League Registration
If you are signing up for multiple leagues, please reach out to Will at [email protected] so you can get a discounted price for multiple leagues.
All leagues must have at least 10 people signed up to run with the exception of the new DART and KNIFE Leagues.
If you are new to axe throwing, please show up at 6:30 p.m. to get your player profile created. Limited space available and based on first come first serve.
If you don’t have your own axe, you can borrow one of ours!

$95.00 – $165.00

Dart Supplies Sold In Store!
In stock
Monday Evening Dart League – Starts March 10th
The game we will be playing will be 501 and will have some laxed rules during regular season. To be welcoming to all levels we will have players decide at the beginning of matches weather or not they want to double in and points then double out, or maybe just double out, or even run just points. The goal for the league season is to build a fun welcoming environment for all skill levels that want to get together and throw some darts!
This League plays all games every Monday at Warriors, it does not do any kind of circuit.
We will have some house darts available for people that don’t have their own sets as well as we will have some mid level darts available to buy at the clubhouse.